Studio Policy

Sing Better Boston


Lessons take place at the Lexington Voice Studio, Lexington, MA.
The student takes one lesson per week at the same time, which will be mutually agreed upon between the student and Sandy.   (If you have a performance or audition coming up, we can arrange more frequent lessons.)  Most students take an hour lesson.  Some prefer a half hour for financial reasons…for most people this arrangement works better than taking a full hour lesson every other week.
The lesson time can be changed occasionally for either the student’s or Sandy’s convenience, provided that the change is requested with at least 24 hours’ notice, and provided that another suitable time can be arranged.  If another time cannot be arranged that week, the lesson is simply skipped.
The lesson time you have arranged belongs to you, and it is a COMMITTMENT.  Sandy is holding that slot for you, so you should plan to attend lessons regularly, making changes or cancellations only when absolutely necessary. ( Being pressed for time to attend to the other things in your life is NOT a good reason to cancel your lesson at the last minute.  Such a missed lesson will not be made up, but you will be charged…plan to show up.)
Lessons can be temporarily stopped when either of us goes out of town, or for any other reason, as long as we give one another at least 24 hours’ notice.
If you are ill, please notify Sandy as soon as possible, and do not attend your lesson if you may be contagious.
If you have a genuine last-minute emergency requiring you to cancel, PLEASE NOTIFY SANDY BY PHONE rather than email, so she will know that you are not coming. Such a cancellation may be made up at Sandy’s discretion.
Payment in full is expected at the time of the lesson in the form of a check or cash. Your lesson time is a committment between you and your teacher, so you are RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING FOR IT WHETHER OR NOT YOU ATTEND, unless you have notified her at least 24 hours in advance.  If you forget your lesson, or fail to notify your teacher 24 hours in advance, you will be charged.
Lessons will be suspended if a pattern of late or missed payments develops. They will commence again when your payments are up to date.   If you cannot bring your payments up to date within the period of one month, your time slot may be given away to another student.   
If you have a genuine last-minute EMERGENCY requiring you to cancel, PLEASE NOTIFY SANDY BY PHONE rather than email, so she will know that you are not coming. Such a cancellation may be made up at Sandy’s discretion.
FAIR IS FAIR!…If Sandy must cancel a lesson at the last minute and cannot give you 24 hours’ notice, she will give you a free lesson later at a mutually agreed-upon time.